Seria Rezidențială

Robot Piscină Zodiac Voyager RE 4100

Seria Rezidențială

Robot Piscină Zodiac Voyager RE 4100

SKU: WR000498
SALE 766,00 lei OFF
5.602,00 lei
4.836,00 lei
5.602,00 lei
4.836,00 lei
SALE 766,00 lei OFF

Free Shipping Over €500

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Zodiac Authorized Reseller

PoolRobotShop is an Official Zodiac Reseller

4.836,00 lei
IN OFFERTA: 766,00 lei IN MENO
5.602,00 lei
  • Description

  • Specifications

New - Scanning System

Extreme Precision - New Voyager™ Scanning System

Thanks to the New Voyager Scanning System specifically designed for the Voyager™ Line, the robot examines, scans, analyzes, and processes the entire pool surface, selecting the best way to clean and cover it completely in an efficient and optimal manner.

Versatile Pool Compatibility

The Most Agile Zodiac Robot Ever

Featuring advanced smart sensors and a distinctive design, the Voyager™ ensures superior pool coverage and unmatched agility.

It effortlessly accommodates a wide array of pool shapes, including rectangular, circular, kidney-shaped, and freeform. This makes it perfectly suited for various pool surfaces and configurations.

Patented Suction

The Most Powerful Suction Ever: Cyclonic Suction

The patented Zodiac cyclonic suction is the most powerful suction ever. Using centrifugal force technology, it creates a vortex that removes all dirt and debris from the pool.

This process separates water from even the finest microparticles, which are trapped in the filter, while the cleaned water is pushed out. This technology ensures efficient and deep cleaning, leaving your pool always clear and sparkling.

Ease of Use

Immediate and Simple Maintenance

The Voyager Line is designed to maximize time savings with extraordinary ease of use. Maintenance is immediate and takes only a few seconds thanks to the top-access filter, making robot cleaning quick and intuitive. With the Voyager Line, every operation becomes simple and efficient in just moments.

Nou - Perie Activă

Zero Resturi cu Noua Perie Activă

Noua perie activă profesională CNX este concepută pentru a elimina și a aspira chiar și cele mai fine resturi. Freacă temeinic piscina, prevenind formarea algelor și asigurând o curatenie impecabila.

Datorită tehnologiei sale avansate, această perie garantează o piscină întotdeauna curată și gata de utilizare, aderând perfect pe orice suprafață.


Extended 3-Year Warranty

Thanks to the Official Zodiac Warranty Of 3 Years, you get comprehensive coverage for your purchase, ensuring peace of mind and protection against any manufacturing defects and malfunctions. Take advantage of this service to enjoy your product worry-free for an extended period.

In the event of a warranty claim, the replacement or repair will be carried out efficiently and promptly, ensuring you are NEVER without your robot. PoolRobotShop will send you a temporary replacement robot free of charge during the service period and will handle the process as quickly as possible.

Power Supply

Simple Power Supply, Designed for You

The new Zodiac low-consumption power supply ensures simplicity and efficiency, thanks to its single integrated cycle:

• Floor, Walls, Waterline: 2h 30min

Thanks to the simplicity of the power supply, using the robot will be immediate and you won't have to program anything at all. Just immerse and start, it will do everything by itself!


Efficient and Easy-to-Clean Filtration

Thanks to its large 3-liter, 100-micron cartridge filter, the robot effectively captures a variety of debris, including leaves, insects, hair, small particles, and dirt. This advanced filtration system ensures your pool remains clean and inviting. Its large capacity allows it to hold a significant amount of debris, enhancing the cleaning efficiency of each cycle.

Comparați modelele


CnX 50 iQ

CnX 30 iQ

CnX 25

CnX 20

CnX 10

Dimensiunea maximă a piscinei







podea, pereți, linie de apă

podea, pereți, linie de apă

podea, pereți, linie de apă

podea, pereți, linie de apă

podea, pereți, linie de apă

Conexiune inteligentă

Aplicație mobilă Wifi Aqualink, Lift System

Aplicație mobilă Wifi Aqualink, Lift System

Durata ciclului de curățare

2 cicluri (1h 30min numai podea + 2h 30min podea, pereți, linie de plutire)

2 cicluri (1h 30min numai podea + 2h 30min podea, pereți, linie de plutire)

2 cicluri (1h 30min numai podea + 2h 30min podea, pereți, linie de plutire)

2 cicluri (1h 30min numai podea + 2h 30min podea, pereți, linie de plutire)

1 ciclu (2h 30min, podea ,pereți, linie de plutire)

Lungime cablu

18 metri

18 metri

15 metri

15 metri

15 metri

Cablu Swivel Anti încâlcire



filtru de 60 microni + filtru de 150 microni

filtru de 60 microni + filtru de 150 microni

filtru de 60 microni + filtru de 150 microni

filtru de 100 microni

filtru de 100 microni

CNX Scanning System™






Aspirație ciclonică






Lift System


Cărucior de transport



3 ani

3 ani

2 ani

2 ani

2 ani

Tech specification

Specificatii tehnice




CnX 50 iQ


Podea, Pereți, Linia de plutire

Lungime cablu

18 m

Moduri de curățare

numai podea / podea, pereți, linie de plutire

Durata ciclului de curățare

2 cicluri (1h 30min numai podea + 2h 30min podea, pereți, linia de plutire)

Suprafața filtrului

100 µ / 4 litri

Cablu Swivel Anti încâlcire


Aplicația AquaLink Wifi


Lift System


Programare săptămânală


Selectarea ciclului de curățare


Detectare completă a filtrului


Carucior de transport inclus


Compatibilitate piscine

Lungime cablu

18 m

Dimensiunea maximă a piscinei

12 x 6 metri

Tipul de piscină

supraterană și îngropată

Material piscinei

Orice material (PVC, beton, fibră de sticlă, mozaic, gresie, ceramică)

Forma piscinei

orice formă (dreptunghiulară, circulară, ovală, rinichi, formă liberă)

Fundul piscinei

Orice fund (plat, cu pantă blândă sau compusă)

Dimensiuni & Greutate


43 x 40 x 30 cm


9 kg

Ce include pachetul?

Pachetul include totul gata de utilizare

Robot de piscina (Cu cablu), filtru, sursa de alimentare, car de transport





Official Zodiac Warranty

3 Years

Post sale information support


Spare parts supply support


What makes PoolRobotShop the best solution compared to other companies?

By becoming our customer, you will join our club, gaining exclusive benefits forever:

Warranty application without long waits.

Compared to others, we perform exchanges or repairs under warranty in just a few days and will always provide you with a temporary product for free.

Spare at special prices for existing customers.

Buying from us means thinking about the future: We offer spare parts always ready for delivery, with special discounts up to 50% if you are already our customer.

Out-of-warranty repairs in just 3 days from delivery.

We perform out-of-warranty repairs within 3 days from the time we receive the package. Fast and reliable, to reduce your waiting time.

Pre & post-sales support forever.

Doubts or questions? We offer specialized and knowledgeable support, immediate and ongoing, responding within minutes, always!

We solve problems better than anyone else.

Our decade of experience and dedication allow us to tackle and solve problems, always offering real solutions in quickly.

Not satisfied? Hassle-free returns.

Thanks to our easy return policy: if you're not satisfied, you can return the product for free and without hassle within 30 days.

What makes PoolRobotShop the best solution compared to other companies?

By becoming our customer, you will join our club, gaining exclusive benefits forever:


Warranty application without long waits.

Compared to others, we perform exchanges or repairs under warranty in just a few days and will always provide you with a temporary product for free.


Spare at special prices for existing customers.

Buying from us means thinking about the future: We offer spare parts always ready for delivery, with special discounts up to 50% if you are already our customer.


Out-of-warranty repairs in just 3 days from delivery.

We perform out-of-warranty repairs within 3 days from the time we receive the package. Fast and reliable, to reduce your waiting time.

Pre & post-sales support forever.

Doubts or questions? We offer specialized and knowledgeable support, immediate and ongoing, responding within minutes, always!

We solve problems better than anyone else.

Our decade of experience and dedication allow us to tackle and solve problems, always offering real solutions.

Not satisfied? Hassle-free returns.

Thanks to our easy return policy: if you're not satisfied, you can return the product for free and without hassle within 30 days.

any questions or doubt about the product?

write your question and one of our experts will answer you within a few minutes via email, telephone or whatsapp.

Robot Piscină Zodiac Voyager RE 4100

5.602,00 lei
4.836,00 lei